Installation (advanced)

Composer installation

The following steps are for developers that are comfortable with Composer.

1. Initiate a new Drupal project using the recommended Composer template.

composer create-project drupal/recommended-project my-project

2. Require OpenChurch Core module and theme.

composer require 'drupal/openchurch_core:^3.0@alpha'
composer require 'drupal/openchurch_theme:^3.0@alpha'

3. Enable module and theme (module must be enabled first).

drush en -y openchurch_core
drush theme:enable openchurch_theme
drush config-set -y system.theme default openchurch_theme

Alternatively, you can enable the module and theme through the Drupal UI. After enabling, you should see a fully themed demo website.

Contributing to OpenChurch

For developers that wish to contribute back to the project, the best way to pull down OpenChurch is from the full project repository:

Note that pull requests can be created on Gitlab or Github.

Last updated